
It is the goal of the OAI Electronics test department to test every assembly we manufacture. We have the capabilities to perform many different types of tests on PCBA’s, and electromechanical assemblies that are manufactured at our facilities.

OAI Electronics will work directly with customers to design and build test fixtures and document testing procedures. We are experts at developing tests from customer supplied schematics. Our test department also welcomes customer supplied test procedures for use with customer supplied test fixtures or customer supplied units.

Test Capabilities:

  • Digital, Analog and RF Assemblies
  • SPEA FP 4050s2 M flying probe tester; 4 test heads, 20”x 16” test area, power-on test, sink/source analog, digital D/S, flashing via on-board programming, boundary scan, prescaler.
  • Huntron Access probe testers; Provide quick set up and testing of PCBA’s
  • Functional testing services using OAI developed test fixtures or customer supplied test fixtures.
  • Elevated temperature burn in, temperature cycling burn in, power on and off testing ability.
  • GenRad TS86 In Circuit Test system.
  • Vibration Testing – Dynamic Solutions DS-660VH/9-3 sine & random & shock vibration testing up to 264 pounds
  • Coordinate with outside testing services as required